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Coffee and Conversation

Mad Rona's Coffee Bar is our go-to place to meet and greet individuals in our community. Each Friday we ask God to show us who He wants us to converse with before we go. Open conversation and genuine dialogue give us the opportunity to show God's love and care for those He brings our way. We are often amazed at how God is going before us and opening hearts and minds. 


Bible Study

Many women have journeyed through trauma and pain. They are looking for answers and for healing from their past. Learning about the stories of the Five women in Jesus geneology teaches them that Jesus is the answer. The study leads them gently toward healing and restoration as they learn about these amazing women in the Bible.  If you'd like to purchase your own copy, click here. All proceeds go toward the Bible Study ministry on Gabriola. 

Bathsheba Bible Study

Music Ministry

Once a month on Sundays Ron plays the cajon and sings with two gifted musicians, Nathan and Thomas. Eventually he will be playing drums and adding to the worship team. From singing familiar songs and choruses to teaching new music, they bring the congregation into praise and worship with their unique Spirit led sound.

Ron, Nathan & Thomas leading worship.jpg

Our Ministries 

Coming Soon - Ron
Alpha Canada

I’m excited to share the vision behind Alpha Canada, where God has inspired me to create an Alpha Group in Gabriola. Several local Christians have joined me in this outreach mission, eager to connect with others seeking to understand their faith more deeply. Together, we are looking to create a welcoming space for exploration, discussion, and spiritual growth. Come be a part of our journey and discover the impact of faith in community.

Image by Priscilla Du Preez 🇨🇦

Trauma is not what happens to you. Trauma is what happens inside you as a result of what happens to you. - Gabor Maté.

As a Chaplain, Gloria's desire is to go deeper in offering a  safe, loving and respectful environment. Her training will aid individuals in their experience of freedom from the effects of Complex Trauma while equipping people with tools to face future challenges. As a trained coach, she will address the biological, psychological, social and spiritual aspects of healing for people who suffer from addictions, trauma, or relational and spiritual brokenness.


Coming Soon - Partnership
Youth for Christ

Currently there is no Christ centered Youth Group on Gabriola Island. With over 700 young people, there is a great need for a place for youth to gather and learn that God loves them just as they are. Ron and Gloria are working with Youth for Christ to bring that hope to the youth and their families of Gabriola Island. Young people are our future and we want to invest in their future. Giving them a place to belong, to mature, and to learn about Jesus is our ultimate goal.

Image by Tim Mossholder

Our Ministries

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